Dwelling Place Program

In the original Hebrew language “dwelling place” means “refuge, shelter from danger or hardship, habitation.”

Next Step Ministries House of Hope and Healing is a Christ-centered, Bible reliant, family home atmosphere.  The program follows Biblical principles to understand the effects of sin and injustice, and through Christ alone comes healing and forgiveness.  Our program serves women who are over the age of 18 and rescued out of sex trafficking.  The length of the stay is based on individual progression, Next Step Ministries will work with the women to obtain reintegration or independent living services, ensuring safety of transition and supplemental support.

Women in the program receive individualized treatment goals to ensure comprehensive restorative care in the following areas:

  • Medical Care
  • Trauma focused, Biblical Mental Health Therapy
  • Educational Services

  • Life Skills Training
  • Advocacy Support
  • Re-socialization utilizing a Biblical worldview, through mentorship and community involvement


STEP 1:  Healing and Safety

This first step is the beginning of the transition for the women entering the program and will provide them with rest, safety, and a stable environment.  They will navigate the expectations of the home and their personal growth.  The women will uncover vulnerabilities that put them at risk of being trafficked, they will begin the process of healing from the trauma they have experienced.  They will be given the opportunity to begin a life changing transformation.  This part of the program will consist of activities of daily living, individualized Biblical therapy, and other activities tailored to each individual, which will aid in the healing process.  The goal is to introduce each woman in the home, to the saving grace of Jesus Christ who is the only One who can offer complete healing.

STEP 2:  Education and Skills

As the women continue to grow and rebuild relationships they will move into the education and skills portion of the program.  Next Step Ministries will come alongside them and help them with education completion or enroll in courses to learn trade skills through higher education or certification programs.  They will learn job skills, financial planning, home economics and social skills.  The women will continue to grow in their relationship with Christ learning to decipher emotions and thoughts, focusing on God’s truth over the worlds lies and finding fulfillment in working towards freedom from the life they are leaving behind.

STEP 3:  Freedom and Future

In this final step of the program the women take their first step into independence as they take all they have learned and all that’s been made available to them and apply it to the calling God has placed on their lives.  Next Step Ministries will continue to provide advocacy support and work with the women to help them re-enter the community and work towards independent living.  They will continue to have access to counseling and therapy, be held accountable for meeting goals and continue in life skills classes.